Sunday, April 11, 2010

Plantation Style Corporate Management

Plantation-Style Management

The supporters of the party of fear and arrogance are controlled by wealthy but un-innovative corporate heads whose lust for power is only exceeded by their shortsightedness.

There’s a reason there’s a Southern Poverty Law Center and not one in the north. The north formed a middle class and didn’t adopt a slave culture of unquestioning servitude toward corporate monsters who have no problem with plundering communities, raping the land, victimizing employees, and thumbing their noses at theDOL, EPA and OSHA.

Heck, these people find it more palatable to pay law firms millions to fight OSHA and lobby Congress to declaw it, than to just provide safe workplaces. These same people also call themselves the Religious Right. Go figure.

Now since their lust for power is not being soothed even through oppressing employees, America, and ramping up consumer debt, and buying and selling congressmen like pimps with whores, they have gone offshore where they have no boundaries.

Tariffs? Naaaa. Lobby for “fair trade” laws.

Labor laws?  Sure, as long as they get to write them.

These same people are pulling the strings of congress. The Sodom and Gomorra that Washington has become also lacks one righteous person.

Ask yourself what kind of lawmaker would oppose better wages or safer workplaces?  How could they possibly call themselves representatives of the people or for that matter Christians?

Even if you hate unions (why would you?), consider that their higher wages, their better benefits, and their safer workplaces, raised the bar for all employees in America. 
If you don't want to be in a union, cool.  But why would any thinking American oppose them?  Because they are following the idiology of Plantation-style corporate oppressors who can't figure out how to make more money without screwing someone in the process. 

How sadistic and amoral do you have to be to gain pleasure in screwing over people for the sport of it?

How do you call yourself a Christian, much less a "religious right" person if hurting people for profit is acceptable to you?

Tea Baggers probably find this sacreligious.

What if the Tea Baggers are right?

Now Let’s Do Away with Government as We Know it.

The “Tea Baggers” don’t want big government (all of a sudden). They loved "W" as he handed over whole departments of government to corporate interests and country club buddies to do as they will for eight years (as he sat with his crayons writing foreign policy).

Heck, "W" thought it is was perfectly okay that Enron (remember Kenneth Lay?) promoted electric transmission deregulation in California and then allowed them to create a shortage of power and then allowed them to rape the state economically to the tune of $30,000,000,000 by manipulating the cost of power. Incidentally, this dollar value is about the same as the state’s debt today. I guess that was free enterprise and therefore okay by Tea Bagger standards (as observed through a kaleidoscope).

It’s a darn good thing that Halliburton et al were there to help us in our great time of need. Given the rapid de-industrialization of America, Halliburton was able to leverage their vast foreign resources to provide war readiness materials. Congress actually passed laws preferring the purchase of foreign-made supplies (to save money by buying along the shipping lanes to the war). We appreciate their being good stewards of our money. Imagine what our national debt would have been had they not done that. Probably over a trillion dollars, huh?

We didn’t need the economy bolstered anyway. Sure, every war we’ve had resulted in a huge rebound in our economy, but that’s not what we needed this time.

Yes, everything that went on from 2000 to 2008 was perfect. The programs, laws, etc. that carried over into this administration are now all bad and reason to draw Hitler mustaches and overemphasize presidents middle names.

Perhaps they are right. We shouldn’t have “socialized” health care. We should also abandon Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and the hundreds of programs to help keep America healthy(er). While we’re at it, the CDC must go, so should the FDA, the USDA, and pretty much every government agency with similar acronyms. No more veteran’s benefits, free fire protection or public schools. Everyone should be required to shovel the snow in the street in front of their house because property taxes infringe on our property rights and snow plows won’t be purchased, maintained and operated by nonprofits. The gas tax should be abandoned and every street and highway should be a toll road.  That will shrink our government up adequately, won't it?

The billions in foreign aid –gone. For sure all of the farm subsidies (face it, there aren’t any more family farms, are there?), and all corporate welfare -gone. All of the laws passed to ensure monopolistic corporations wouldn’t be threatened by upstart innovators – repealed. The USDA guidelines for school lunches scewed to ensure kids get fat (and high on sugar, hormones, food coloring, the whole lower half of the Periodic Table, and MSG) on the foods provided by industries with the best lobbyists will now be modified to conform to actual scientifically based recipes – but none will be free for anyone anymore.

The hundreds of parts now included in cars due to laws passed “for our safety” at the request of the companies that make them will no longer be needed. CART standards gone too.  HUngry?   Too bad say the Tea Baggers.

No more tax dollars for anything ever. Politicians should be volunteer and only used to resolve issues between states or governments. Even better, appoint members of Congress like we do juries, send them a notice that they have to appear for two weeks of congressional duty in case we need them.

In fact, if we ever go to war again, we fund it (only) with the plunder seized (that will pretty much take care of the desire for nukes too).  Of course that will require us to be at war on a more regular basis, but Tea Baggers like that.

Now that we've solved all of the problems presented by the bleating sheep that make up the Tea Baggers, what then will they have to complain about to draw attantion to themselves? 

What will Carribou Barbie do for a living?

Without all that "socialistic" and "communistic" goverment to fear, how will the global banks and corporations that run the party of fear and arrogance do to control the plebeians?

Proposed 28th Amendment to the US Constitution

An idea whose time has come.

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they didn't pay into Social Security, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that is being all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop. This is a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".

The Death of Critical Thinking and America

If you woke up this morning and read a headline stating that 18,000, 44,800, or 100,000 Americans had died overnight in some catastrophe, how would you feel? Do you think that most Americans would feel the same way? What if your family members were included in the list of victims? Add to your decision-making that it was not a natural disaster, but deliberate acts of man. Now add that a few billionaires profited from the acts.
It would be the (minimum) equivalent of the entire population of two medium-sized suburban communities - all gone without purpose or reason.
As an additional frame of reference, the 9-11 death toll was 2,974 and we all know that America went into a tail-spin for eight years ramping up over $981 Billion in war costs in response. Also in response, within only a few days, Congress prepared over 340 pages of complex legalese and then immediately and overwhelmingly passed a well-branded law stripping layers of previously sacred American rights away and adding monstrous layers of bureaucracy to our government. We are apparently okay with that. After all, we need to be safe, right?
Even today, after nine years of war, countless dead and disabled, and the ominous shadow of a “big(ger) brother” hanging over us, we are apparently content in knowing that our government is protecting us from whatever unknown evils lie in wait.
The politics of fear is an effective tool in controlling a population and encouraging consumerism. Does anyone remember Y2K and all the frenzy and great expense leading up to…nothing? How about Mad Cow or Swine Flu? Aids caused by casual contact? Today the terms “socialism” and “communism” and “death panels” are being thrown around in McCarthy-esque fashion to ignite the fears of non-critical thinkers who are most susceptible to the politics of fear.
If 18, 44 or 100 thousand Americans died in an event, and we knew this event happened annually, there would be rioting in the streets demanding our government act quickly and decisively to stop it.
Because the deaths are spread out through the year, and across the nation, we apparently are apathetic. As long as it’s not in our back yard or our families, we’re apparently just fine with the genocide. Maybe we think that the victims deserved it. After all, they are likely poor, undereducated, and probably minorities. Right?
The fact is that the dead are not affluent, poor, or elderly. Those groups have private or government insurance to protect them. They’re surely not members of Congress. This leaves young(er) middle class Americans - people that most of us can identify with. Yet we are more concerned that whatever the cure, we don’t have to pay for it.
Immediately following 9-11, we paid billions to shore up the potential losses of the insurers of the World Trade Center, just the beginning of nine years of insurance and bank industry bailouts at our expense. We were apparently okay with that – at least until the current administration.
We are not interested in “bailing out” the average American though. That would be “socialism” or “communism” – unless of course it’s a government program we use, or plan to use, like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Hospital Care for the Indigent, WIC, the hundreds of programs funded through the Department of Health and Human Services like school nutrition programs, or subsidized student loans for medical profession students, etc. etc. Surely the programs we like are not socialism or communism, only the ones the current administration wants are.
If we admitted that we don’t want these programs either, millions of Americans would immediately get sick and die. That would just trigger another government program to burry all of them.
As for the “death panels”, the countless, faceless analysts, lawyers, and accountants working for insurers which create and execute policy to deny coverage to paying and future customers would be an excellent model to use. After all, they have cultivated their skills since the Nixon administration pushed for the allowance of HMO’s and the practices are apparently working well considering the massive profits of the insurance companies and the escalating number of Americans who die needlessly every year.
Depending on which respected source you choose to believe with regard to the death toll in America for the sake of corporate gain, the numbers should be staggering to thinking Americans. Add to this impact, the number of those that managed to live through the catastrophes and make up a significant percentage who ended up in bankruptcy. 62% of personal bankruptcies are caused by medical expenses people simply can’t pay.
Costs not recovered by care providers are a business expense passed on to paying customers – you and I. That’s okay. There is no line item on our hospital or tax bills, so we don’t apparently care. We will apparently care if the current administration enacts health care laws that result in our bills actually listing the costs though.
Since Barack Obama was elected President of the United States of America, the losing party, its followers, and its corporate and global bank masters have done all they can to ensure that he is defeated at every turn regardless of the need or merit of his efforts –even if it means countless deaths and misery or the continued downward spiral of our economy. In fact, it appears they would prefer that so they can say “See! We told you!” “Now give up all that Hope and Change and Believe stuff and trust us!”
I will not say I support either party more than the other or that I agree with everything the current administration has done or plans to do. I choose to be a critical consumer of information and make my own decisions based on careful consideration of all facts. Uninformed and emotional responses lead to poor decision-making.
Perhaps it’s an indicator of how far our education system and our consumer culture have degraded America’s general ability to critically think and act morally that we have so many citizens who are so willing to just follow the herd of bleating sheep in protest of what should have been an obvious greater good for our society; such as the national health care debate. I guess it makes sense though; it’s easier to herd sheep than lions. But whose control will we be under?
I don’t fear big government as much as I fear the systematic corporate takeover of it. I kind of like being an American. I find solace in having fought for my country and take pride in my continuing community service. I recognize now why we added the “or domestic” to the Oath of Office. It’s because the greatest threat to our sovereign republic isn’t going to be faceless foreign radicals and zealots, but faceless, wealthy, and very powerful corporate giants and global banks.
Ask who is profiting from the de-industrialization of America? Who has the most to gain by eliminating the middle class? Why are we working so hard to dumb down and fatten up our population? What nation will we live in when everyone is in servitude to corporations who own all of the property, places of employment, sources of medical care, control the food and water supply, and own the “privatized” essential government infrastructure?
Be a patriot and question everything. Then ask what’s in the other hand.