Sunday, April 11, 2010

Plantation Style Corporate Management

Plantation-Style Management

The supporters of the party of fear and arrogance are controlled by wealthy but un-innovative corporate heads whose lust for power is only exceeded by their shortsightedness.

There’s a reason there’s a Southern Poverty Law Center and not one in the north. The north formed a middle class and didn’t adopt a slave culture of unquestioning servitude toward corporate monsters who have no problem with plundering communities, raping the land, victimizing employees, and thumbing their noses at theDOL, EPA and OSHA.

Heck, these people find it more palatable to pay law firms millions to fight OSHA and lobby Congress to declaw it, than to just provide safe workplaces. These same people also call themselves the Religious Right. Go figure.

Now since their lust for power is not being soothed even through oppressing employees, America, and ramping up consumer debt, and buying and selling congressmen like pimps with whores, they have gone offshore where they have no boundaries.

Tariffs? Naaaa. Lobby for “fair trade” laws.

Labor laws?  Sure, as long as they get to write them.

These same people are pulling the strings of congress. The Sodom and Gomorra that Washington has become also lacks one righteous person.

Ask yourself what kind of lawmaker would oppose better wages or safer workplaces?  How could they possibly call themselves representatives of the people or for that matter Christians?

Even if you hate unions (why would you?), consider that their higher wages, their better benefits, and their safer workplaces, raised the bar for all employees in America. 
If you don't want to be in a union, cool.  But why would any thinking American oppose them?  Because they are following the idiology of Plantation-style corporate oppressors who can't figure out how to make more money without screwing someone in the process. 

How sadistic and amoral do you have to be to gain pleasure in screwing over people for the sport of it?

How do you call yourself a Christian, much less a "religious right" person if hurting people for profit is acceptable to you?

Tea Baggers probably find this sacreligious.

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